My time in Lisbon has come to an end, and what an amazing 3 months in turned out to be. Firstly, I cannot thank the John Speak Trust enough for the scholarship I received. It was a big part of why my time in Lisbon was so successful. The money…
My time in Lisbon has come to an end, and what an amazing 3 months in turned out to be. Firstly, I cannot thank the John Speak Trust enough for the scholarship I received. It was a big part of why my time in Lisbon was so successful. The money…
Since my year abroad in Taiwan has drawn to a close, I’ve started reflecting on my experiences abroad and the happy times I had living in Taipei. I wasn’t too knowledgeable about Taiwan before moving there. Despite having learnt Chinese for a while, I hadn’t spent much time looking at…
再次你好!谢谢您看我第二个月的月报!我很激动跟你分享最近一个月所有的经历。 在7月底,我必须与几个好朋友说再见。他们只是语言课程7月份的学生。我们收取成绩凭证后(见下图),我们直接开始安排一个小小的庆祝晚会来彼此告别。 Hello again and thank you for reading my second monthly report! I am excited to share with you what has happened over the last month. At the end of July I had to say goodbye to a few friends who were only staying for the July section of…
我在上海还没到半个月,不过这段时期的经历又丰富又复杂。 今天我在上课的时候接受了个电话。因为我以前错过了几次他们给我的电话,当时终于地注意到他们在给我打着电话,所以我马上接起了电话。是警察! 幸亏,他们只要肯定是否我有没有在派出所填好境外人员住宿登记表。这篇登记表的目的在于保障所有住在上海的外国人都在一个名单。要是不好的事儿发生,政府可以容易地跟他们交流。 此外,这篇也是得到居留证的要求之一。 得到居留证真是个不容易做好的事儿。我在这个路上已经遭遇许多白跑一趟。不过我在慢慢适应这里官僚的重视。我还有几个要求该满足才能得到居留证,不过我大学的国际学生办公室在努力工作帮助我。 我觉得我的中文水平在日益提高!除了跟我的同学们说中文以外,我还在认识到许多中国人。 周一晚上我跟三个中国人出去吃晚饭。我们吃饭后去了一个著名的酒吧叫Sober Company。 以前这个酒吧在亚洲最好50酒吧的排行榜上。我们在那儿继续玩儿,整个晚上都是用中文沟通 – 一共5个小时。 我们快要回家之前,我头开始痛。 我没想到我会在这样的环境还活下去! 我以为在这样自然的环境只说中文会让我觉得有点儿尴尬,但是他们大部分听懂了我的意思,我5成左右听懂了他们的话! 我下个月必须做的事情很多。包括我入学之前的三个课程:会计、程序设计、统计数学。我猜这下几个月会非常的忙碌。我很期待。 I haven’t yet been in Shanghai a month, but the experience in this short time has been wonderful and complicated. Today when I was in class I received a phone call. Because I had missed…
Estou no meu último mês em Lisboa e tem sido quente! Este último mês tem sido muitas coisas interessantes. O meu estágio nas câmaras de comércio Luso-britânica tem sido repleto de eventos emocionantes. Estive no Porto a ajudar em uma missão comercial de vinhos, onde recebemos muitos compradores do Reino…
My time in France has allowed me to develop in so many ways, and I want to thank the John Speak Foundation bursary for playing a huge role in keeping me on top of my language-learning whilst studying my Master’s. The monthly blogs have kept me focused and allowed me…
I am writing this final entry to the John Speak Language Trust from Milan, Italy, two and a half years after I was first awarded the scholarship. Back in 2022, this foundation helped me to move from Sheffield to Florence in order to complete a yearlong Master’s degree in Fashion…
Ça a fait une grande semaine pour les politiques européennes ! Le week-end dernier, les élections européennes ont eu lieu dans les 27 Etats membres d’Europe et le corps électoral n’a jamais été plus divisé. Pendant ces derniers mois, les médias avaient prévu que les partis d’extrême droite allaient faire…
Segundo mês em Lisboa!! As últimas 4 semanas têm sido espectaculares. Continuo a gostar muito do meu trabalho e tenho estado envolvido em alguns projectos muito interessantes, incluindo a organização de missões comerciais de vinho e ‘’networking events’’. O tempo em Lisboa tem estado fantástico e por isso os fins-de-semana…
在台灣最後一個月 這是我在台灣的最後一個月。我從八月底就來了,所以我覺得我已經看到了這個國家的許多東西和文化。由於最近我沒有旅行,我想在這最後一份報告中談一談我對台灣美食的體驗。 兩週前,我去參加了一個台灣烹飪課。我的一個朋友參加過這個烹飪課,向我推薦了它。我們做了雞湯麵、珍珠奶茶和小籠包。我收到了每個菜的食譜,可以帶回英國。課堂上的人大多數是日本遊客,也有一些台灣本地人。用我的語言技能討論美食真的很有趣,我還學到了一些有用的詞彙! 這個月我還去了我在台灣去過的最奇怪的地方–一家以廁所為主題的餐廳。所有的椅子都是馬桶,每個菜都是在一個小馬桶上的。我在社交媒體上聽說過這家餐廳,覺得和同學一起去會是個有趣的地方。食物和服務都糟糕,但也許這就是廁所主題體驗的一部分?最有趣的是在小廁所裡吃巧克力冰淇淋……這樣的體驗真的很奇怪,但很難忘。離開台灣以後,我會懷念這麼奇怪的地方。 昨晚,我和同學一起去了海底撈火鍋店。這是台灣一家很有名的火鍋店,不過價格不便宜,所以不能常去!雖然在台灣生活了近 10 個月,這還是我第一次去專業火鍋店。首先要選擇火鍋口味,然後用 iPad 點肉和蔬菜。用餐期間還有舞蹈表演,非常有趣。 美食是我在台灣生活的最重要部分之一。在餐廳吃飯往往比自己做飯便宜多了,所以我在國外期間享受到了很多美食。這可能是我離開台灣時最懷念的事情之一。 在台灣的日子即將結束,我開始反思在這裡的時光。我會在我的旅行結束報告中詳述這一點,但我沒想到離開台灣時會如此興奮。我意識到我在這裡有多少美好的回憶。 陈白宇 Last Month in Taiwan This was my last month in Taiwan. I’ve been here since the end of August so I feel like I’ve seen a lot of the country and culture now. As I haven’t done any…