Qualification Criteria

To apply for an award from the Trust, students must:    Union Jack

  •  Be natural born British citizens
  •  Be over 18 years old
  •  Have a basic knowledge of the language to be studied (at least GCSE or equivalent) &   able to hold a basic conversation in that language
  •  Reside in accommodation whilst abroad within the local community with native speakers (rather than with English speakers)
  •  Study at a recognised college or university (or obtain suitable voluntary employment)
  •  Have the clear intention of pursuing a career in the furtherance and support of the export trade of UK goods and services
  • Willing to spend a minimum period of three months abroad (Scholarships offered for 3 months +)


Awards are made following satisfactory application and interview with the Trust Committee. Our bursaries usually cover living expenses and in some cases, travel costs.

monthly report





Bursary payments are authorised upon receipt of satisfactory monthly reports (at least 250 words with photographs).  Monthly Reports to be submitted  to the West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce

Please contact us for further information or complete an application form for consideration.

PLEASE NOTE:  New Applications are being accepted from 1 September 2024


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