Case Study – Jed Martin: Germany 2022-2023

Case Study – Jed Martin: Germany 2022-2023WhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 22.20.39

I would like to first say a big thank you to the John Speak trust for granting me a language scholarship and allowing me to embrace life here in Germany.

A year ago, I arrived in Germany after deciding to start a Bachelors degree in Physics at the University of Rostock. Making thisWhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 22.46.05 (1) decision wasn’t easy and I was quickly faced with the challenges that come with moving abroad. Initially my studies was the largest challenge as I was forced to quickly get a grip of the language and subject-specific terminology that was being used on a day to day basis in my lectures and seminars. Over the past year I feel like my understanding of German has increased dramatically to the point where I can now sit in my lectures and essentially “think” in German, allowing me to put more effort into understanding the physics and content of the course rather than the language itself.  This is something I am incredibly proud of as it really shows me how far I’ve come with my language learning.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 22.04.37Although there have been many challenges to tackle over the last year, there have been just as many rewards. I have met so many amazing people and built friendships that I know will last a life-time. I have truly enjoyed discovering the city of Rostock and everything it has to offer, as well as the surrounding area of Mechlenburg-Vorpommern and I can only recommend it to any potential visitors! I have grown to feel comfortable here and look forward to discover even more as my studies go on.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the John Speak Trust I have been able to travel freely throughout Germany and parts of northern Europe.

I have enjoyed trips to Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin and Münster and embarked on journeys to Sweden, Denmark and the Czech republic. I found seeing more of Europe very important as it has given me a better picture and understanding of life abroad in general and how different it can be. It is difficult for example to compare the bustling Christmas markets of Leipzig with the busy summer streets of Prague as they are both in their own way unique and amazing!

The list of highlights over the last year goes on indefintely: from enjoying warm summer evenings on the beach of Warnemünde, watching my first live basketball game of the Rostock Seawolves, cycling along the southern coast of Sweden, going ice-swimming in the Baltic sea,WhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 22.46.05 going to a concert in Berlin and many many more.

I would once again like to extend my gratitiude to the John Speak Trust and although my scholarship has now come to an end, my endeavour to deepen my understanding of the German language and culture will go on as I go on into my second year of studies here. My last year has been full of amazing memories and moments and I have even recently managed to find a part-time job which makes me feel even more settled here in Rostock. I look forward to everything that I have in front of me!

Thank you all for having taken your time to read through my monthly reports and now this last case-study.

Jed MartinWhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 22.46.02WhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 22.46.05 (2)

Posted in Case Study, Monthly Reports