Nadia – Beijing, China – May 2015

这个⽉我在北京的⽣活平安⽆事。像往常⼀样,我每天上课,参加拳击课。最近天⽓很美,空⽓污 染也没有以前的严重。 这个⽉我想写⼀些关于我去天津的路上看到⼀个很特别的建筑。⼏个星期前我去天津⼀天游。天津 市在海边,但是从北京坐动⻋只要三⼗分钟。其实,天津很⽆聊,但是在旅途中我看到了⼀个很特 别的建筑。⽕⻋驶过旷野,⼀些⼩⼩的农舍。有某⼀时刻,不知道是到了哪⾥,我们驶过⼀个很⼩ 的村⼦。这个村⼦有⼀些⼀层房屋,周围都是⽥野。村⼦中间有⼀所很⼤的⼤教堂。我在天津⼀有 Wi-Fi的时候,就开始研究这个教堂的历史。根据⼀个⺴站,这个教堂是亚洲第⼆⾼的! 不幸动⻋开得很快,所以我没有机会拍照。在上⾯有些在⺴站找到了的⼀些照⽚。教堂的造价是 1500万⼈民币,⼩村⼈都是基督教⼈所以他们都捐款,别的钱是从北京和海外捐款的。 这个教堂原来是在1800年代后期建筑的,但是在1900年代早期战争中毁了,在⽂化⼤⾰命时再毁 了。在过去的⼗年中这个教堂终于重建。我想去看这个⼩村和教堂,但是⼩村只能坐汽⻋到达。



My last month in Beijing has been fairly uneventful – classes have continued as usual, and I’m still boxing.  The weather is beautiful and the pollution hasn’t been a problem at all for a long time now.

This month I want to write about something I saw on the way to Tianjin. A few weeks ago I took a day trip to Tianjin. Tianjin is by the coast but is only a 30-minute train ride from Beijing by bullet train. Tianjin itself was rather boring, but, on the train on the way to Tianjin I saw something amazing. The train passed a lot of empty land, farmland, and small villages. At one point, in the middle of no where, we passed by a small village with small one-storey houses surrounded by farmland. In the middle of this village was what appeared to be a huge cathedral. As soon as I got wifi in Tianjin I started researching the building. Traces of Christianity in the village go back 400 years. According to one source, it is the second tallest church in Asia! Unfortunately the train whizzed by so quickly that I wasn’t able to take a picture. Apparently it cost £1.5m to build, and donations came from the village members (who are all Christian), from Beijing and from overseas. The church was originally built in the late 1800s but was destroyed during the early 1900s and again during the Cultural Revolution. It was finally rebuilt during the last 10 years. I really want to visit the village but unfortunately it’s only accessible by car.

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