My Trip to Hong Kong: Anam Rahman, June 2017


和上海相比,香港有很多自然景观。包括几座大山,岛屿和很多森林。我的酒店位于ka wloon,这是香港一革很穷的地房,香港有着世界上最贵的房地厂,因为他们没有足够的土地,这里有很多人口和很多富人,我看到景点,手先我去了lantau岛屿,这是一革漂亮的岛屿并且有几座山,在山顶,我看到了著名的buddha。
Victoria peek 是山顶,你螚见到很多著名香港的天空。我晚上去了哪里,他是非常美丽的,我认为这是最好的景色。
虽然我在香港精力很棒,但是我更喜欢上海,香港有很严重问题,贫富差距很大,kawloon 在香港中心旁边,这革地方很富。



My visit to Hong Kong

A few weeks ago, I went to Hong Kong. A lot of my friends told me I must go to Hong Kong while I am in china because it is a very special place. They were correct. Hong Kong is a beautiful city. Even though Hong Kong is in China, It is very different from mainland China. The relationship between Hong Kong and China is very complicated. A lot of Chinese people go to Hong Kong, therefore the travel is very cheap.

Hong Kong compared with Shanghai has a lot of nature including several mountains, islands and lots of forests. My apartment was in Kawloon. This is a very poor part of Hong Kong. Hong Kong has the most expensive real estate in the world because they do not have a lot of space, they have a big population and a lot of rich people. I saw several tourist attractions. Firstly I went to Lantau island. This is a beautiful island with several mountains. At the top of a mountain I saw the famous Big Buddha. After this I went to Victoria Peak.

Victoria peak is the top of a mountain where you can see the famous hong kong skyline. I went in the evening. It was beautiful. The most amazing view I have ever seen.

Although Hong Kong was an amazing experience, I prefer Shanghai. Hong Kong has a very serious problem with social inequality. 10 minutes next to Kawloon is Hong Kong Central. This area is very rich.

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