Grace Partington – Portugal, March 2016

Embora hoje em dia pode parecer que é simplesmente uma cidade universitária relativamente pequena, no pasado Coimbra era central para o poder de Portugal e, na verdade, era a capital de Portugal durante um século desde o ano 1145.

Rpt2 - Grace March16A Universidade de Coimbra é uma das mais antigas do mundo; oficialmente funcionou e foi confirmado pelo papa em 1290. Originalmente a Universidade começou em Lisboa, mas foi transferido entre lá e Coimbra várias vezes até que acabou em Coimbra no 1537.

A Universidade tem muitos alunos famosos, incluindo o poeta mais amado do Portugal Luis Camões e o famoso ditador português, Salazar, que estudou o Direito aqui. A paixão de Salazar pela educação e pela sua amada Coimbra era bem conhecida e a Universisade foi ampliado durante o seu regime. Salazar amou as Escaladas Monumentais porque acreditava que os alunos devem ser apto fisicamente, bem como mentalmente.

As escadas são uma das caracteristicas mais bem-conhecidas da Universidade. Ademais, foi dito que o número de vezes sue se tropeçava nas escadas equivalia ao número de cadeiras que se reprovava a cada ano.

E, finalmente, a minha anedota favorita, era Coimbra que inspirou a JK Rowling escrever sobre Hogwarts. Ela foi inspirada pelos longos mantos tradicionais que alguns dos alunos usavam e isso se reflete nos livros e nos filmes de Harry Potter. Ademais, se pode ver uma ligação entre indiscutivelmente o mais famoso ex-aluno de Coimbra, Salazar, e o nome do antigo fundador da casa de Slytherin – Salazar Slytherin.

Rpt2 - Grace Mar16


As time passes, I have realised that Coimbra is a city rich in history and interesting stories. Unfortunately, many people have not heard of Coimbra; when people have asked me where I am in Portugal and I reply “Coimbra”, normally they don’t have any idea where it is. To show my appreciation for Coimbra, I thought that I would write something about the history of Coimbra and things that I have learnt recently.

Although nowadays it can seem like it is simply a relatively small university city, in the past Coimbra was central for Portugal’s power and, in fact, was the capital of Portugal for a century from the year 1145.

The University of Coimbra is one of the oldest in the world; it officially opened and was confirmed by the Pope in 1290. Originally, the University started in Lisbon but was transferred between there and Coimbra various times until it ended up in Coimbra in 1537.

The University has many famous alumni, including Portugal’s most beloved poet Luis Camões and the famous Portuguese dictator, Salazar, who studied law here. The passion of Salazar for education and his beloved Coimbra was well-known and the University was expanded during his regime. Salazar loved the Monumental Steps because he believed that students should be physically fit as well as mentally.

The stairs are one of the most well-known characteristics of the University. Furthermore, it was said that the number of times the steps were stumbled upon was equivalent to the number of students who failed each year.

And finally, my favourite anecdote, it was Coimbra that inspired JK Rowling to write about Hogwarts. She was inspired by the long, traditional cloaks that some of the students use and this is reflected in the films and books of Harry Potter. Furthermore, you can see a link between the arguably most famous ex-student of the University, Salazar, and the name of the ancient founder of the house of Slytherin – Salazar Slytherin.

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