Travelling in Chengdu: Tom Kirkham, China – October 2017


成都的声望看得出来源于一个与典型西方文化非常密切的结合。连在成都古代的宽窄巷子星巴克也毫不不合适了。成都年轻人的时尚品味很另类, 有的人肯定会觉得,这种风格有伤大雅。宾馆还具有不一样的气息,就是说,到处没有红色和金这些标志性的颜色,反而房屋装修风格重视天然的材料比如木头与混凝土等。同样,最流行的汽车品牌也反映这个潮流:欧洲的大众和雪铁龙汽车在这儿看上去畅销,而在中国别的地方受了热烈的欢迎的美式大休旅车这儿少一点。成都还有一个跟这个现象有关的特征:好多市民都会说一口流利的英语。外语的话,成都毫无疑问一枝独秀。

成都大抵说来变成一个摩登时尚的城市。再者,当地的政府看出来会创造有吸引力的旅游景点。最珍贵,历史性的建筑物与古迹修复好了,吃香的很。其中之一是黄龙古镇,在成都以南四十几公里。听随行的人说,这个地方如此美丽,以至于一些导演这儿拍电影了。剧组不在拍的时候,小街小巷游人如组了。人民公园和黄龙古镇一样美,环境很幽静得让人陷入沉思, 还有修复犹如新的锦里小吃街和宽窄巷子,这两个地方都充满了许多摊子卖各种各样的诱人美食。

我还没提到了成都最热捧的景点:大熊猫繁育研究基地,该地方体现成都市现代与传统文化的融合。成都因熊猫这个四川省的天然财富而出名, 对象就是这个野生的动物,不过技术竟然尖端,规模宏大 – 这地确是一个名副其实的基地了。人民公园与文殊院 (一个著名的寺庙),虽然十分安静,有历史意义,但是左近竟然有世界级的购物中心,高楼林立,让客人意识到,成都虽然因自然与历史而吸引旅游,但是尽管如此这个城市一点都不老式,一点也不土。文化遗产和六街三市,成都什么都有。

At a small and picturesque river in Huanglong, far from the busy town centre

At a small and picturesque river in Huanglong, far from the busy town centre


Chengdu’s popularity seems to come from having a very close link with typical western culture. Even in Chengdu’s historic wide and narrow allies Starbucks still does not feel at all out of place. The young people of Chengdu have a distinctive fashion sense which some no doubt disapprove of. Even the hotel has a different feel to it: instead of the symbolic red and gold that you usually see everywhere, the rooms are decorated with natural materials – wood, concrete and the like. The most popular car brands also reflect this trend. Here, European Volkswagens and Citroens seem to sell well, with the American-style 4x4s popular elsewhere in China seen slightly less often. Related to this is something else which marks Chengdu out: a great many people in this city can speak English very well. As far as foreign languages go, Chengdu is most definitely in a league of its own.

Chengdu has by and large become a modern, trendy city. And not only this; the government here seem to know how to create tourist attractions that really bring in visitors. The most precious and significant historical sites and buildings, now restored, are highly popular. One of them is Huanglong Historic Town, forty or so kilometres to the south of Chengdu. Such is the beauty of this place, people say, that one or two directors have chosen to film there. When the film crews aren’t around its narrow streets are packed with tourists. The people’s park is as beautiful as Huanglong, a calm and peaceful place where you can easily become lost in thought. Then there’s the newly renovated Jinli snack street and the wide and narrow allies, both packed with street stands selling all kinds of tempting food.

I still haven’t mentioned Chengdu’s most popular tourist spot: the panda research station, which is a perfect example of Chengdu’s fusion of the traditional and modern. Chengdu has become famous for the panda, part of the natural wealth of Sichuan’s forests, and the focus is on these wild animals, yet the place is huge and features the latest technology – this really is a research station worthy of the name. The People’s Park and Wenshu Monastery are highly peaceful places imbued with much historical significance, and yet right next to them you will find yourself in world class shopping centres, surrounded by a sea of skyscrapers, which remind people: Chengdu might attract tourists thanks to its nature and history, yet at the same time Chengdu is hardly behind the times. The cultural heritage and the shopping, Chengdu has it all.

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