My first few months in China – Gavin Vine, September 2016

我现在在北京已经住了三个月了,这几个月一直在英国驻华大使馆实习。 这三个月过得很快,而我现在准备去北大学习。目前在中国的这段时间里经常想起一些难忘的经历 。有一次是我和我的同事 一起去了青岛,参加了那里很有名的啤酒节。 我一到青岛就注意到了青岛与北京相比有很大的区别,青岛的马路很窄,没有北京的那么宽,这显然是受到了德国建筑的影响,与北京灰白的高楼比,看到青岛的欧洲式建筑格调是一个十分可喜的不同。另外一个明显的区别是在青岛可得到的菜。我在北京的时候习惯每天都去买煎饼的摊子吃肉,可是走在青岛的街巷马上注意到蚝,蟹和虾的气味,毕竟青岛的海鲜远近闻名。

话说回来,我并不能一概而论,只是简单地提及了北京的高楼,宽马路。 我发现北京的每一个地方都很独特,有自己的特色。走在胡同里你不禁感受老北京的味道。相反的,在繁华的三里屯逛街的时候好像穿越到了另一个时代。 如此多彩多姿的中国,我很期待开始探索这个充满乐趣的国家。

The sleek modern buildings of Beijing CBD

The sleek modern buildings of Beijing CBD. Photo taken from balcony of the CBD area of Beijing


I have now been living in Beijing for three months, doing an internship at the British Embassy in China. The past three months have passed by so quickly and I am now preparing to commence study at Peking University. When I consider my time in China, a few unforgettable experiences come to mind. The first is when my colleagues and I went to Qingdao for the famous beer festival. As soon as I arrived in Qingdao I noticed a stark contrast with Beijing. The city’s narrow roads were far smaller than the wide roads of Beijing whilst the German- influenced European style architecture compared to the tall, grey buildings of Beijing represented a welcome change. Another notable difference was the variety of food available. While in Beijing I had got used to stalls selling pancakes (jianbing) and had mainly eaten meat. However, walking through the streets of Qingdao I was immediately struck by the smell of oysters, crabs and shrimp. Qingdao, after all, is known far and wide for its seafood.

Having said this, I certainly can’t generalise and simply say Beijing is just tall buildings and wide roads. I have found that everywhere in Beijing is so different, each area having its own character. Walking through the Hutongs you can’t help but feel the old Beijing atmosphere. By contrast, strolling through bustling Sanlitun it like passing through to a different era. China is so eclectic and vibrant, I can’t wait to start exploring this incredible country.

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