Isabel Wasserman: My first few days in Taiwan – September 2022

15th September 2022


我桃園機場到的時候,台灣的教育部的人等幫我,他幫了我買一個SIM,座隔離計程車去隔離飯店。我覺得台灣的教育部太友善了。隔離的時候,我很累所以我睡得覺非常久。隔離中,大學的課開始 了。我在網上聽了課。沒有課的時候我看了很多視頻因為我想知道台灣是怎麼樣。





Hello, my name is Izzi and this is my first monthly report.

At first I was nervous to write a report in Chinese as I have only studied for a year so far, but after writing this I found that I have absorbed more Chinese than I had realised – and it was quite fun.

I came to Taiwan on the 5th September but have been out and about for about three days as there was a quarantine.

During quarantine I discovered Taiwanese breakfast, which is so delicious, filling and very, very cheap. I’ve also discovered the iced tea here which is equally delicious and perfect for the hot, humid weather Taiwan has. I’m really looking forward to going out and further discovering the food in Taiwan such as in the night markets.

I am also really enjoying my Chinese classes so far, my teacher is truly wonderful and we use Mandarin rather than any English, which I am really finding useful to figure out how a native speaker would phrase things.

One thing that has stood out to me since coming here is that I have changed quite a lot as a person. Compared to when I was a teenager, over the last few days I have found that I have become someone who is much less afraid of getting something wrong if it means I can learn from it. Even if my Chinese is not perfect, until it becomes perfect I am willing to go out and talk to people at the university here or order that nice looking drink – I am just much less shy. I hope to use this change to get in as much practice as I possibly can!

To conclude, it has only been a few days in Taiwan but I am loving it so much and learning so much already, I’m truly excited for the months ahead of me.


Taiwanese tea. My favourite flavour is winter melon (a type of gourd).

Taiwanese tea. My favourite flavour is winter melon (a type of gourd).

Shao bing, a flakey pancake often eaten for breakfast in Taiwan, usually containing omlette and sometimes fried dough.

Shao bing, a flakey pancake often eaten for breakfast in Taiwan, usually containing omlette and sometimes fried dough.

The aftermath of sushi with a friend

The aftermath of sushi with a friend.

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