每年在十月份期间中国人有一周的假期来庆祝庆节,叫 ‘黄金周’。很多中国人趁着这个机会到国内和国外各种地方去旅游。我们班的学生也不例外,同学们之间去了十个多城市在三个的国家。我跟我的同学恩诺去苏州和上海。
我们花了整天沿着运河走,参观苏州最为优秀的花园,不停地吃各种各样的可爱小吃。最初我们打算花整个假期在苏州,但看地图之后而发现了苏州到上海的距离多么近我们 那一刻就决定绕路去上海。上海是中国文化和经济中心,比苏州繁华得多。我们参观了该城市大部分的名胜,如外滩,人民工场之类的。当初上海的热闹气氛对我有很多诱惑力但过了不久我们累了要命,花整天在这么挤满的城市 东奔西跑 让我们烦躁不堪。
总而言是,黄金周去旅行是个不能错过的机会,让你自己体验中国各个地方之间的文化和语言区别以及玩的很疯! 不过我推荐去旅游之前要心理准备一下, 只有在中国黄金周去过旅游,才能真正地明白’人山人海’的意思!

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Every year in October, China has a week of holiday, called ‘Golden Week’ to celebrate its National Day. A lot of Chinese people take this opportunity to travel, both within the country and abroad. Us exchange students were no exception; between us, we went to over ten different cities in three different countries. I went with my classmate Ellie (Ennuo) to Suzhou and Shanghai.
The first city we visited was Suzhou, a prefecture level city in the south east of Jiangsu Province. This city is famous for its canals and gardens. We spent a whole day walking along the canals, visiting Suzhou’s excellent gardens and endlessly eating all types of cute snacks. At first, we planned to spend the whole holiday in Suzhou, but after looking at a map and seeing how close Shanghai was, we in that moment decided to make a detour via Shanghai.
Shanghai is China’s cultural and economic centre and is much more bustling and lively than Suzhou. We went to most of the city’s famous sights, such as the Bund and People’s Square. At first, I found the lively atmosphere in Shanghai to be enticing, but after a while we got really tired of it; spending whole days running around in a city this busy made us unbearably irritable!
In conclusion, travelling in Golden Week is an unmissable opportunity – it allows you to personally experience the cultural and linguistic between different places in China, as well has have an excellent time! But nevertheless, I recommend that before you go, you mentally prepare yourself – only after having travelled in China during Golden Week will you truly understand what ‘people mountain people sea’ (a commonly used Chinese proverb referencing a mass of people so large it extends to the mountains and seas) really means!.