Viaje a Andalucía

plaza espanya
En cuatro días visitamos las 4 principales ciudades de Andalucía con autobús.Dado que teníamos poco tiempo ,significó que viajamos mucho del tiempo, en pie o con autobús y que sacrificamos sueño para darnos tiempo visitar y ver todo. ¡Sin embargo,valió la pena! Cada dia era así: desayunabamos y después recorríamos por la ciudad con una guia. Luego teníamos tiempo libre y por fin cenábamos juntos y salir juntos.
Viajar a Granada desde Valencia duró 6 horas, así que viajamos por la noche. Llegamos reventados, por falta de sueño en el autobús, pero con ganas de empezar nuestra Aventura. Desayunamos en un café muy bonito y comimos pan túmaca, una de mis comidas españolas favoritas. Después recorrimos por la ciudad por 3 horas. El tiempo era agradable y andábamos muchísimo. Granada era una ciudad hermosa y enseguida era obvio cuánto historia tenía. La arquitectura árabe era increíble y asombrosa, nunca antes había visto arquitectura así en toda de mi vida. Cuando dábamos una Vuelta por el souk antiguo,me sentía como si estuviera pasando por las calles en Marrakech. Además, a mi me gustó muchísimo las puertas de las casas porque aunque fueran modernas habían guardado la puertas originales y eso contribuye al ambiente árabe. Por desgracia, no conseguimos entradas para el Alhambra, pero entramos en la parte exterior y gozamos de la arquitectura y la vista. Mi parte favorita de visitar Granada era cuando caminamos arriba al mirador de san Miguel. La vista sobre Granada, la Sierra Nevada y el Alhambra era espectacular y el ambiente me encantó. Al lado de nosotros había un grupo de música tocando las guitarras españolas y parejas bailaban juntos.Luego por la tarde me quedé con un amigo mío, de mi Universidad, que se quedaba allí y nos disfrutamos de vernos de otra vez. En su balcón también, tuve una vista bonita sobre Granada y la Sierra Nevada. Después, volví al hostel y cené con el grupo en un restaurante de tapas.
El próximo día conducimos a Málaga. Málaga, me parecia mas grande y mucho más moderna que Granada. También había más turistas pero todavía me parecía bonita y única. La arquitectura se diferenciaba a la de Granada pero me gusto. Los edificios eran más altos en general, cuadrados y intrincados. Además, las torres del catedrál eran cilíndricas, muy altas y imponentes. Las torres en Málaga me encantaron especialmente. Había muchas y cada de ellas era bonita y única. Además, el Mercado central de atarazanas me gustó,sobre todo la preciosa vidriera al fondo. Por fin mi atracción favorita era la alcazaba. La arquitectura era tan imponente y me fascinó la historia tras ella, sobre todo con respeto a los musulmanes y cómo la construyeron para protegerse contra enemigos. Lo más impresionante, sin embargo era la vista asombrosa y panorámica sobre Málaga.
La misma tarde conducimos a Sevilla. Sevilla me asombro de verdad, no me lo podía creer lo grande que era y cuantos hermosos edificios y plazas tenía. Me parecían sin límite. La parte que se destaca en mi memoria es ver la plaza españa. Era sin duda la plaza más hermosa que jamás he visto. Ademas, tenia suerte ver dos actuaciones de flamenco en directo allí. La pasión y emoción que los bailarines expresaban era sensacional y muy especial. La influencia árabe y Cristiano era muy notable en todos los edificios y plazas incluso en las discotecas!. Salimos dos noches consiguiente y el ambiente en las discotecas era increíble y nosotros lo pasamos muy bien.
Por fin fuimos a Córdoba. Cordoba me pareció la ciudad más pequeña y menos turística.Cruzamos el Puente famoso de Córdoba, el Puente romano. Tiene un longitud de 331m, fue construido en los principios del siglo 1 y se declaró patrimonio de la humanidad por Unesco. Por desgracia cuando estuvimos en Cordoba, no nos quedaba mucho tiempo así que no pudimos entrar en la famosa mezquita pero la admiramos de afuera y subimos la torre más alta de Córdoba, la torre campanario, que nos dió una vista maravillosa.
En resumidas cuentas, este viaje fue inolvidable. Siempre quería ver Andalucía y no me decepcionó. Las vistas, la arquitectura y sobre todo la historia me fascino. Asimismo, conocí y hice migas con muchos estudiantes y dentro nuestro grupo de treinta todos nos caímos muy bien, algo que contribuyó mucho a la experiencia.

mirador de San Miguel
Trip to Andalusia
There’s no doubt that this trip was one of the best experiences of my life.
In four days, we visited the four main cities of Andalusia by bus. As we had little time, it meant that we were travelling most of the time, by bus or by walking and often sacrificed a lot of sleep, in order to visit and see everything.
However, it was all worth it! Every day was organised as follows: we would eat breakfast and have a guided tour for several hours of each city. Afterwards we would have free time, and finally, we would eat dinner together and go to sleep or go out.
To travel to Valencia from Granada took 6 hours, therefore we travelled by night. We arrived exhausted, but excited to start out adventure.
For breakfast, we went to a pretty little cafe and ate pan túmaca, which is one of my favourite Spanish foods. Afterwards, we did a tour for three hours of the city. The weather was lovely and we walked a lot. Granada was a beautiful city and it was immediately obvious how much history it had. The Arabic architecture was incredibly impressive, I had never seen architecture like that in my whole life.

When we walked through the old souk, I felt as if I were walking through the streets of Marrakech. Also, I loved the doors of the houses because even though the houses themselves were modern, they still had their original ancient Arabic doors and that also contributed to the Arabic atmosphere. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to get tickets to enter the Alhambra , but we did get to admire it from the outside. My favourite part of visiting Granada, was when we walked to the viewpoint of Saint Miguel. The view over Granada, the Sierra Nevada mountains, and the Alhambra was spectacular and I loved the atmosphere. Beside us stood a music group who performed and encouraged couples to dance to the music. Later in the afternoon, I enjoyed visiting my friend from my uni in London who was staying in Granada for his year abroad. At his house, he had a balcony with a brilliant view over the Sierra Nevada and Granada. Afterwards, I went back to my hostel and had dinner with the other students.
The next day we went to Malaga. Malaga seemed much bigger and more modern than Granada. There were also more tourists there but it was still pretty and unique in its own way.
The architecture was also different to the style in Granada but I still liked it a lot. The buildings were generally taller, square and with intricate designs on them. Also, the towers of the cathedral were cylindrical, very tall and imposing. I especially liked the towers in Malaga, and there were many of them. Each one was unique and very pretty. Also, I really liked the main market of Malaga, especially the stained glass window at the back of it. Finally, my favourite attraction was the Fort of Malaga. The architecture was very impressive and I was fascinated by the history behind it, especially with respect to how it was constructed to protect the Muslims from invaders. However, the most impressive thing was the amazing panoramic view over Malaga.
On the same day, we drove to Seville. Seville amazed me, I couldn’t believe how huge it was and how many beautiful buildings and plazas there were. They seemed never-ending in numbers. The highlight for me was the plaza españa. It was undoubtedly the most beautiful plaza I have ever seen. In addition, I was very lucky to see some live flamenco performed there. The passion and emotion that the dancers expressed was sensational and very special to see. The arabic and christian influence was very noticeable in all buildings, even in the nightclubs! We went out for two nights in a row there and the atmosphere was incredible and we had a great time.
Finally, we went to Cordoba. Cordoba seemed to be the smallest and least touristy of each of the cities that we visited. We crossed the famous Roman bridge there that has a length of 331m and was constructed at the beginning of the 1st century and declared a world heritage site by UNESCO. Unfortunately, when we were in Cordoba, we didn’t have a lot of time left therefore we couldn’t enter the famous mosque however we admired it from outside and we also went up the tallest tower in Cordoba ( la Torre campanario). From there we had an excellent view of the city.
In a nutshell, this trip was unforgettable. I always wanted to go to Andalusia and it didn’t disappoint. The views, the architecture and above all, the history fascinated me. Also, I met and made many new friends and inside our student group everyone got on brilliantly which really added to the experience.