Monthly Archives: January 2020
received_560526588093041 Mi primer partido de fútbol español !: George Illingworth, Valencia – Jan 2020

En los últimos meses no podía salir o viajar tanto como quería por mis tareas para la universidad. Empezaba a recibir un montón de deberes cada semana y por eso cuando podía salir o viajar dentro de valencia aproveché.  Soy un aficionado de Chelsea desde hace muchos años y sabía

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f4b8621d-1a8c-47f4-8f94-db94678b2e92 Lorenzo Webster: Christmas churros and new year revision resolutions: Sevilla – January 2020

As the Christmas celebrations got underway, I was joined in Sevilla by my family who flew down from London. They were immediately taken aback by the astonishingly warm weather. With the bright sun accompanying consistent temperatures of 20 degrees, there was certainly a different feel to the festivities. On Christmas

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IMG_4120 Rhoda Yaa Assah Manu: The Beginning of the End, Reunion Island – December 2019

Bright red balls of sweetness have started growing from the thick branches. Everywhere you go there are fruits everyone is munching on. It’s lychees! Its summer and Lychees are in season! The first time I tasted a lychee was at the university, my friend just casually had it as a

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