Travelling in Yunnan: Charlotte McGarry, China – March 2017



云南是中国一些最精彩最美丽的地方比如桂林的喀斯特地貌类型 ,龙脊和元阳的梯田,大理和丽江的古城和常常俗称 ’中国的泰国’ 西双版纳。说到在中国旅游,不少人就会想起来云南风景如画的环境。



总而言之我们在云南的旅程真是个很宝贵的经验, 但是我要坦白地说:返校的时候到了的那时,我并不难过。这么长时间去旅行很精彩但也会让人精疲力竭!



In China, the school and university terms are organized differently to in the West. Here, the year are split into two long terms, with the major holiday falling around the end of January. At Beida, the holiday is six weeks long! I wanted to make the most of this opportunity to get out of Beijing and go to Yunnan in the south of China

Yunnan is home to some of China’s most wonderful and famous places, including the Karst topography of Guilin, the rice terraces of Longji and Yuanyang, the Old Cities of Dali and Lijiang and Xishuangbanna, often referred to as ‘China’s Thailand”. When you talk about traveling in CHina, many people will think of the picturesque Yunnan scenery.

Along with two classmates, I visited all the places mentioned above. I was really impressed by the diversity of China’s geography – mountains, rivers, tropical rainforests – it’s got it all!

Speaking of mountains – we climbed a lot of them! My favorite was Laozhai Mountain in Xingping. The slope was steep and the climb was hard, but the views from the top were second to none.

Fortunately, traveling in China is cheap, particularly the cost of accommodation and food. Compared with the west, transport is relatively cheap too but because we had to take so many different busses, trains and planes, transport cost made up the brunt of our expenses.

Overall, our journey though Yunnan was a really incredible experience. That said, when the time came to return to school, I was not too sad – being on the road for that long is wonderful, but so tiring!

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