SUMO – Andy Newton, February 2016

幟。Nobori. Flags representing each competing sumo stable.

幟。Nobori. Flags representing each competing sumo stable.






My friend and I were thinking to go and see a sumo match to start off our spring break. My friend is good pals with the manager in his dormitory so he invited him along too. He knew more about sumo than we did and knew how to get the tickets cheaply and is actually a really nice guy. The manager guy made his own way to the arena and me and my friend went by train. We arrived a bit early so we took a look around this super cool temple in Hakata called ‘Touchouji’. We reached the meeting place and had a bit of spare time so we sat by the marina behind the arena and watched the boats and chatted for a while. We met our guy and went inside, they were selling cups of hot, sweet nuts inside the auditorium but they were too expensive.

Even though we had the cheap-seats, the view was pretty good and you see quite a lot. The only bad point is that it’s quite hard to take a good photo as we were very far away. Our seats cost about £10 and the ring-side seats cost as much as £120. The ringside seats are very close to the sumo stage and often spectators can be crushed by the wrestlers if they get forced out of the sumo circle. The stage is about 6 steps up from the ringside seat level so is quite a big drop; and everyone loves seeing the loser fall off of the platform for a most spectacular fight.

IMG_4125Competitions last for two-weeks and each wrestler fights once a day. Sumo wrestlers always fight under a different name which is given to them by their stable master, wrestlers usually have no choice in the name assigned to them. As the fighters enter, they all form a circle around the referee. Next, everyone leaves the ring and the two contending fighters enter. They throw rice into the crowd, wipe the sweat off their face and stare down their opponent.

The aim of the match is to force your opponent outside the circle, or to force them to touch the floor. Any body part other than the feet touching the floor counts as a loss. Wrestlers can push, pull, grab the mawashi (belt) and throw. No striking allowed. The fatter the wrestler, the harder the fight and the more entertaining the round is. The staple meal sumo wrestlers eat to maintain their body weight is Chanko nabe. Chanko nabe is a one pot dish with stock made from dashi or mirin, and is made with quartered chicken thighs (with skin on), tofu, enoki mushrooms; and is really tasty.

If you ever get the opportunity to visit Japan, a sumo fight is a must-see!Chankonabe - Sumo Wrestler meal

Chanko nabe is a kind of stew that’s known as the original sumo food. Despite the reputation that sumos have for their huge statures, the recipe for chanko nabe is actually relatively healthy, low in fat and loaded with vegetables. This version uses only chicken – based on the old joke that eating an animal that walks only on two legs will help a sumo stay on his feet – but in reality there’s no fixed recipe for chanko nabe, and versions can contain beef, salmon, pork or anything else you like. In fact, the only qualification for something to be chanko nabe seems to be that it is made by, or for, a sumo

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