Struan Rutherford – China June 2015 “Coming To The End”



银川不是一个主要的旅游目的地但是这个情况提高城市对我们的吸引。 虽然我们只在银川三天,我们经验城市生活方式怎么样。气氛比北京的更安静:开阔街道的两旁都有树木,天空每天是湛蓝的。我们参观一百零八塔,从银川不太远的寺庙。还有,我们在银川市中心去看南关清真大寺。银川是大熔炉:佛教徒和穆斯林的共存特别有意思因为他们的共存是不同亚洲文化混合的象征。而且,城市有最好我在中国吃过的羊肉串和辣炒饭。



还有,我正在告别我在中国认识的朋友,包括大学的,工作的和随机见面的。一个年是足够交朋友的时间可是为了发展友谊,时间不够所以我现在感觉很居丧因为我需要尽快回国。我希望我毕业后会回来然后我可以继续交新朋友。我在中国一年非常激动,把我提供很多美好回忆。今年鼓励我更努力学习,工作所以我未来会回来。我要再次感谢John Speak因为他们支持我在中国学习。John Speak的援助被我不胜感激,帮助让我在北京学习时间非常成功。




During my last month in China, I have worked hard to make sure every day is as busy as possible. This month I managed to travel within China for the last time.  I went with a few friends to Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia province. Yinchuan was once the capital of the mysterious Western Xia Empire, which was destroyed by the Mongols in 1227 AD. It is one of the least well understood kingdoms to have existed within modern day China’s borders.

The city is not a major tourist destination but this only increased its appeal to us. Although we only had three days in Yinchuan, we experienced what life in the city was like. The atmosphere was a lot more peaceful than in Beijing; trees lined the wide open streets; the skies were a clear blue every day. We visited the 108 Dagoba, a temple complex just outside Yinchuan, as well as the Great Mosque in the city. Yinchuan was a melting pot: the coexistence between Buddhists and Muslims in the city was particularly interesting as it represented the mixing of different Asian cultures.  The city also boasted the best chuan/kebabs and spicy fried rice that I’ve had in China.

3 June

As I am very aware of my time in China coming to an end, whenever I go to a restaurant, I know it will probably be the last time this year I eat there.  For this reason, I am now trying to visit all my favourite restaurants in Beijing. Due to this mission, I have never before eaten as well as I am doing now. Last week I went to Dadong to eat Peking Roast Duck, the next night I went to my favourite Korean bibimbap restaurant, after that my favourite Xinjiang restaurant. Almost every day I have eaten a bing. My stomach is certainly going to miss China.

I’m also in the process of saying goodbye to all the friends I’ve made here, including friends who I’ve made through university, through work and even random encounters. A year is enough time to make connections but not enough time to develop them so it feels sad leaving so soon. Hopefully I will be able to return after graduation and pick up where I left off. It’s been an amazing year which was provided me with so many great memories. It has only served to encourage me to work harder in order to allow me to return to China in the future.

I would like to once again thank John Speak for supporting me this year throughout my studies. The support has been greatly appreciated and helped make my year as successful as it was.


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