Nadia, Beijing, China – April 2015


本⽉月初是清明节。我决定了趁机会去⽢甘肃和⻘青海旅⾏行。最初,我不知道应该去四川旅⾏行或者⽢甘肃,最后,我选择了⽢甘肃因为⽢甘肃的游客不多。虽然在云南旅⾏行很好玩,但是游客挺多。这⼀一次,我想 去没有很多游客的地⽅方。

April 2015 rpt

因为嘉峪关的机场是张掖最近的机场,我从北京坐⻜飞机到嘉峪关。到嘉峪关以前我知道我在那⼉儿有 两个⼩小时,但是我已经决定从机场坐出租⻋车到嘉峪关的⽕火⻋车站。在⻜飞机坐在我旁边的男⼈人觉得去嘉 峪关但不看名胜古迹就不好,所以他跟他家⼈人带我去嘉峪关的很多名胜古迹,帮我拍照。然后他们 给我吃烤⾁肉。最后,他们送我去⽕火⻋车站。我从来没有经过了这个⽔水平的好意!

从张掖我去看⻢马蹄寺和张掖丹霞。这两个地⽅方很美。我在那边交了很多中国朋友,我们都⼀一起去吃 晚饭。

张掖以后我去⻘青海的同仁,然后去⽢甘肃的夏河。夏河有⼀一个很有名的寺院叫拉⼘卜楞。⼏几百藏族⼈人从 拉萨去拉⼘卜楞朝圣。拉⼘卜楞的科拉有三公⾥里,我看到了⼀一些⼈人为每向前迈⼀一步就跪拜!这就意味着 为了绕⾏行,他们很可能要花费⼤大量的时间。你从没⻅见过这样的情景!

同仁和夏河的多数民族是藏族⼈人,但是还有穆斯林回族⼈人。我对多元社会有兴趣,所以看到回族⼈人 帮助藏族⼈人建设⻄西藏区拉⼘卜楞的⼀一些建筑。中国的族群多样性⾮非常惊异。

我在郎⽊木寺跟别的游客决定了搭便⻋车到兰州。在中国搭便⻋车⼜又好玩,⼜又容易!我们每⼀一次不等在路 上五分钟多。⽢甘肃⼈人对我很好奇。他们很愿意帮助我们去别的地⽅方.总的来说,这是⼀一次⾮非常成功 的旅⾏行。Apr 2015



Adventures in Gansu

At the start of the month we had Tomb Sweeping Holiday so I decided to go traveling solo to

Gansu and Qinghai province. Initially I was deciding between visiting Sichuan or Gansu, but I chose Gansu because it is the path less travelled. While Yunnan was incredible, it was also quite touristy, and this time I wanted to go somewhere that few go. I flew in to Jiayuguan, an old fort town, since it was the nearest airport to Zhangye, my first destination. I knew I had two hours until I had to get my train so I planned to get a taxi straight from the airport to the train station just to be safe. The man next to me on the plane thought it sad I wasn’t staying to see Jiayuguan, so when we landed, he and his family drove me to all the famous sightsApril 2015

around Jiayuguan so I could take photos, then fed me a huge barbecue feast, and finally sent me off to the train station. Never in my life had I experienced this level of kindness from

anyone before!  From Zhangye I visited Horse Hoof Temple and the Rainbow / Candy Mountains. Both were beautiful as you can tell from the photos. I made a lot of Chinese friends and at the end of the day we had a huge meal together.

After Zhangye I went to Tongren in Qinghai province, and then onwards to Xiahe, back in Gansu. Labrang Monastery is in Xiahe and is very famous and hundreds of Tibetan pilgrims from Lhasa were there to pray. The kora (the path of prayer wheels) extended for 3km and I saw some groups of people prostrating at every step they took forwards, meaning they must have spent hours just going around the kora once. It was really quite a sight.



Both Tongren and Xiahe have Tibetan majorities and Hui Muslim minorities. I am fascinated by multicultural societies and it was great to see Hui people helping to build parts of the Monastery in the Tibetan side of town. China’s ethnic diversity is truly incredible. On my way back from Langmusi to Lanzhou I decided to hitchhike with another traveler I met and it went really well! We didn’t ever have to wait longer than 5 minutes for a ride; people were curious and helpful. All in all, it was a very successful trip.

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