Maisie Palmer: La vie en France: les reformes de Gabriel Attal – March 2024

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-29 at 13.56.11 (2)Ce mercredi pendant mes cours économiques, nous avons arrêté la leçon pour regarder le premier ministre de la France, Gabriel Attal, parler de son plan pour réduire le budget du système de sécurité sociale français. C’est un temps intéressant pour les politiques en France. Avec les jeux olympiques à l’horizon, tous les yeux sont sur le gouvernement français en particulier comment il va dépenser le budget et les changements à la vie publique qui suivront. 

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-29 at 13.56.11 (1)Le parole d’Attal a été reçue par les Français avec un mélange de soutien et de mécontentement. Les gens de gauche pensent qu’ il va mettre les plus vulnérables de la société dans une position difficile. Alors que les gens du droit pensent qu’il est une étape nécessaire pour un avenir plus durable. Autour du monde, la France est connue pour son impôt plus haut et ses services sociaux expansifs. Mais quelle est la prochaine étape pour le régime de la France si ces changements vont passer? Nous attendons et nous verrons.

This Wednesday during my economics course, we stopped the lesson to watch the Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal, speak about his plan to reduce the budget of the French social security system. It is an interesting time for politics in France. With the olympic games on the horizon, all eyes are on the French government in particular how they are going to spend the budget and the changes to public life that will follow. 

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-29 at 13.56.11

The announcements about changes to social security have arrived after a report by the International Monetary Fund launched in January 2023. It advised that France needs to concentrate on improving its spending through a total reform of the system. The important contest is that France has the highest spending within the European Union and its spending grew more between the years 2020 and 2023 due to the governmental response to Covid-19.  For their recommendations, the IMF suggested that the reforms need to reduce the size of public spending in social protection, education, health and the civil service. 

Attal’s speech has been received by the French with a mix of support and discontent. The people of the left think that it’s going to put the most vulnerable in society in a more difficult position. Whereas the people of the right think that it is a necessary step for a more sustainable future. Around the world, France is known for its high tax and its expansive social services. But what is the next step for the French regime if these changes come to pass? We will wait and see.

Posted in Monthly Reports