Cosmo de Bono: Holiday Travels in Taiwan – December 2023

taroko gorge台灣假期旅遊 – 陳白宇


這是台北相鄰的兩座寺廟。我花了 30 分鐘搭地鐵到達那裡。孔廟有一些漂亮的花園,建築風格是傳統的中國風格,但也有一些台灣的影響。我在大學一年級時學習了很多儒家思想與文言文,因此參觀孔廟並在廟裡閱讀中國古典文獻是一件非常有趣的事情。

貓空纜車位於動物園旁邊。缆车从底部到顶部需要 20 分钟。缆车车厢的地板是玻璃的,看得到下面的树。我在缆车上遇到了一对友好的台湾老夫妇。他们主要讲客家话,所以很难沟通,因为我听不懂他们说的话!在缆车顶端,我徒步穿过一片森林,去看一个小瀑布。那天真的很热,所以我给自己买了一个冰淇淋,然后在缆车顶上的一家当地茶馆里欣赏风景。

kenting night market墾丁

上週,我和一些在台北度假的家人朋友相約去花蓮縣的太魯閣峽谷一日遊。花蓮位於東海岸,島嶼的中間。這裡的地理環境非常好,海岸線也非常迷人,但這裡的公共交通非常少,所以我們不得不找了一個導遊,由他開車接送我們往返。島上有許多河流、寺廟和健行路線。我們在原住民餐廳吃了午餐,食物還不錯。天氣很熱,但沒有 9 月或 10 月那麼熱。我們早上 6 點離開台北,14 個小時後才回來,所以第二天我已經筋疲力盡了,但這是我在台灣最喜歡的目的地。


museumThis month I had 2 weeks of holiday so had a lot of time to travel and go sightseeing. Because I’ve done a lot of travelling within Taiwan recently, I’m going to write about all of the places that I’ve seen in the last month. Most of the places are in Taipei but I also went to Kenting which is in the southernmost part of the island and also Hualian County which is on the East Coast. I hope you enjoy reading about my travels and seeing some photos!

Baoan and Confucius temples:
These are two temples that are both next to each other in Taipei. It took me 30 minutes on the subway to get there. The Confucius temple had some pretty gardens and the architecture was traditional Chinese but with some Taiwanese influence. I studied a lot of Confucianism in my first year at university so it was interesting to see a Confucian temple and also be able to read the classical Chinese texts in the temple.

The Baoan temple was recommended to me by a friend as it’s beautiful but not as busy as other temples in Taipei. I had to be careful taking photos as there were people praying but the temple was really beautiful. It also had several floors so I went to the top of the temple and looked at the surrounding city.

baoan templeMaokong:
The Maokong gondola is next to the Taipei Zoo. The gondola takes 20 minutes to go from the bottom to the top. The cabins have glass floors so that you see the trees below you. I met a friendly old Taiwanese couple in my gondola. They spoke mainly Hakka so it was difficult to communicate! At the top of the gondola, I went hiking through a forest to see a small waterfall. It was really hot that day so I bought myself an ice cream afterwards and enjoyed the views from the top of the gondola at one of the local teahouses there.

I wanted to leave Taipei for my school holiday so I booked a train ticket to go to Kenting in the south of Taiwan. I had to take the train to Kaoshiung and then took a two-hour bus to get to Kenting from Kaoshiung. Kenting is a beach area and is quite small, but there is a really lively night market. There was a lot of fish and deep-fried foods. On one of my days in Kenting, I went to a hiking area in a local forest which was beautiful although the hiking was rather tiring!

Hualien County and Taroko Gorge:
confucius templeLast week I met up with some family friends who were on holiday in Taipei and we made a day trip to the Taroko Gorge in Hualien County. Hualien is on the east coast and in the middle of island. The geography is amazing and the coastline is stunning but it has very little public transport so we had to get a tour guide who drove us there and back. There were lots of rivers, temples and hiking paths. We had lunch at an indigenous restaurant and the food was pretty good. The weather was hot but not as hot as it had been in September or October. We left Taipei at 6 am and got back 14 hours later so I was exhausted the next day, but this is my favourite destination in Taiwan.

I’ve attached lots of photos to this post so hopefully you can get a sense of what these places were like. I’ve also got many more trips within Taiwan planned for the coming months. Overall, I’m having a fantastic time in Taiwan and am starting to appreciate this amazing island.

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