Abbie Yallop – 25th June – Birthday celebrations!

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나의 생일이 있는 6월을 한국에서 보낼 수 있게 되었습니다. 저는 6월 25일에 24살이 되었습니다. 나의 생일에 나는 한국어 학당 친구들과 같이 한국인들이 일반적으로 하는 재미있는 것들을 하기로 결정했습니다. 예를 들면, 우리는 한국 길거리에서 흔히 보이는 노래방을 갔는데, 노래도 부를 수 있고 저렴한 음식과 음료를 친구들과 즐길 수 있는 곳이었습니다.  영국에 있었을 때도 팥은 항상 내가 제일 좋아하는 맛이여서 팥빙수를 기대했습니다. 한국에서 생일을 보내는 것은 처음이하 걱정도 되고 불안하였지만 영국에서 온 고향 친구들과 대학 친구들이 있어서 새로운 생일 경험을 재미있게 보낼 수 있었고 가장 기억에 남을 것 입니다. 저는 새로운 음식을 시도해 보고싶어서, 우리는 저녁으로 닭갈비를 먹으로 갔습니다.  닭갈비는 떡, 닭, 라면 사리 그리고 다양한 종류의 야채들이 매운 양념에 섞여있는 음식이었고 매우 맛있었지만 몇몇 친구들한테는 매우 매웠다고 했습니다. 마지막 디저트로는, 우리는 한국의 일반적인 디저트로 빙수라는 것을 먹으러 갔는데 잘 갈린 얼린 우유와 다양한 과일, 팥 그리고 초콜렛이 얹어진 빙수를 시켰다.우리는 한국 길에 자주 보이는 포토 부스에서 재미있고 웃긴 사진도 찍을 수 있었습니다. 심지어 악세서리와 장식품도 빌릴 수 있었습니다.


During the month of June, I was able to celebrate my birthday in Korea for the second time. I first celebrated back when I was 19 years old. However, this year I turned 24 years old on June 25th. For my birthday, I decided it would be great to make some plans with my Korean language classmates that would involve many typical fun and common IMG_3576things that Koreans do often. For example, I went to ‘Noraebang’, which is a place you can find on almost every street in Korea. You can play Karaoke, eat great cheap food and also play games with your friends. We also went to a photobooth store, these are also on almost every street in Seoul, where you can take fun and silly photos with friends. They even have props you can use and wear! For dinner plans, I really wanted to try something new, so I planned to go eat ‘Ddakgalbi’ for dinner. This dish is a mix of Korean rice cakes, chicken, ramen noodles and an array of vegetables mixed in a spicy but sweet sauce. Typically after finishing these style of dishes, there is then option to order extra rice where the employee will fry the it with the remaining sauces on the grill, for an extra treat after your meal. This is what is considered as dessert in most situations. It was really delicious but some of my friends found it too spicy for them! Finally, for dessert we went to go eat ‘Bingsu’, which is a classic Korean dessert that consists of shaved frozen milk and various toppings. Some of the toppings we ordered were mango, chocolate and also a red bean flavour. Red bean has always been my favourite, even back at home in UK, so I was so excited to have this combination. Overall, initially I was quite anxious and worried about spending my birthday in Korea again, as previously I was with friends from my hometown and university, but I really enjoyed taking on this new situation and can easily say this was one of the most enjoyable birthdays I’ve had.


Posted in Blog, Monthly Reports