野柳和太鲁阁 – Yeliu and Taroko: Jonathan Ferguson, May 2020


In recent months, due to the threat posed by Covid-19, I have stayed in Taipei so as to avoid giving the virus any opportunity. However, in recent weeks Taiwan seems to have controlled this unprecedented virus’ spread. As the risk of it returning is relatively low, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to explore some other parts of Taiwan.


Wind erosion shaped Yeliu Geopark into becoming an unforgettable famous scenic site. The first time I saw the landforms there, I thought they didn’t seem real. They looked like a mirage. In fact, according to geological experts, Yeliu Geopark is the place on earth that is most similar to the rocky environment of Mars. The majority of the rocks are so called ice cream and honeycomb rocks. Ice cream and honeycomb rocks, as the name suggests, are shaped like ice cream and honeycomb. Perhaps the most baffling thing about some of the rocks is their very unusual shape, particularly the Queen’s head rock. That day the weather was unbearably hot and the streams of tourists were endless, but we still had a great day as this is a truly unique place.

我也去了太鲁阁公园。太鲁阁是个十分漂亮的地方,我们边爬山边欣赏山清水秀的风景。太鲁阁附近没有任何人口稠密的城市所以空气很新鲜,河流水清澈见底, 真是世外桃源。

I also went to Taroko park. Taroko is an incredibly beautiful place. We climbed mountains whilst enjoying the stunning scenery. As Taroko is far away from any densely populated cities, the air is fresh and the river water is so clear you can see right to the bottom. It really is paradise.


In terms of scenery, Taiwan has truly been blessed by Nature. In these uncertain times in which the whole world faces many hardships, being able to go to natural wonders like Taroko or Yeliu to rest and reflect really is invaluable.

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