The wonders of Japan – Samantha Fernandes, November 2015






二つ目のことはハロウイーンだ。日本では、ハロウイーンはイギリスより祝われたことだ。11月31日に、ハロウイーンを祝うために、渋谷へ行った。私は、その予定を他の友達を教えたとき、いつも「気をつけて」って答えられてばかりだ。一体どうして教えた友達はそんなに答えただろうか、考えられなかった。ある日に、渋谷に19時ぐらい着いて、すぐに賑やかさを気づいた。渋谷駅前 スクランブル交差点は日本でとても忙しい所で有名である。ハロウイーンに、警察は多くて、道を渡りたい人をコントロールしてみても、渋谷は死ぬほど人でいっぱいで、少しずつ動かなきゃいけなかった。私は友達を6人と行って、渋谷に着いてばかりの頃には、道を渡って、すぐみんなの友達全然見えなかって、私はビックリした。5分後,一人の友達を見つかて。安心だった。私達は他の友だちを見つけられなかって、何回も探してみたんだ。その後は一緒に渋谷を散策するのを決めた。ある日の日本人は普通の日本人に似ていなかった。ハロウイーンのために、面白いコシチュームを着たり、脂粉を施したりしたからだけではなく、その人々のパーソナリティーは日本人っぽいというより、イギリスの大学生っぽいだと思った。例えば、人々は私と一緒に写真を取りたかったり、酔っ払ったり、よく喋るのが好きだそうだった。ハロウイーンに、渋谷の道を歩いたら、よく楽しい音楽が聞こえて、面白くて、高そう車が様々あって、その街から温かい感じがした。





The wonders of Japan

It already been about 6 weeks since I arrived in Japan and I still feel like I am still getting used to the new lifestyle. Our teachers set us a lot of homework and the content of our lessons is quite difficult, so I tend to have little time with my new friends, which is a shame. It was only after I made Japanese friends here that I felt like I truly met Japanese culture. Along with my experiences in Japan, I can compare my way of thinking with that of a Japanese person.

In this report I want to introduce two aspects of Japanese culture which I have encountered during my stay. The first being the ‘Izakaya’. I have been to an Izakaya many times with my Japanese friends since my arrival in Japan. This place can be thought of as a Japanese style pub –there are many of Izakayas in Japan and there is a wide range of authentic Japanese dishes to choose from, which are usually served on small to be shared between a few people. I highly recommend going to an Izakaya!

The second aspect of Japanese culture I want to talk about is how Japan celebrates Halloween more than the UK. On 31st October I went to Shibuya to celebrate Halloween. When I told this to my friends, they all told me to ‘be careful’, however I could not think of anything to be cautious of or what they were referring to when they told me this. On that day, I went to Shibuya, arriving at around 7pm and immediately noticed the masses of people crowding the streets. Shibuya crossing, the crossing near the station at Shibuya is famous in Japan for being very busy with people. On Halloween, I noticed many police officers trying to control the pedestrian traffic. Shibuya was incredibly packed with people to the extent that I thought that someone could die – everyone was moving extremely slowly to get anywhere. I initially started off with 6 friends in Shibuya but shortly after crossing the famous crossing, to my shock I had lost all my friends. After about 5 minutes, to my relief I managed to find one friend and after several attempts to find the rest of our friends in the crowd, we decided to give up and explore Shibuya together.

On that day, the Japanese people we encountered were not like normal Japanese people – not because they were dressed in fancy costumes and wore lots of face paint, but their personalities seemed to be less Japanese and seemed to resemble UK university students. For example, I was asked by strangers to take pictures with them, quite a few of them were quite drunk, and lots of them enjoyed talking to my friend and I.

Walking along the streets of Shibuya on Halloween filled with interesting and expensive-looking cars and hearing exciting music drifting through the air produced a warm feeling inside me.

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