Nadia – Beijing, China – December 2014




最近我去了上海呆三天。我立刻爱上了这个城市。上海的布局跟欧洲城市有一样的气氛,我觉得上海是这样因为黄浦江。上海跟北京的布局不同;北京的布局有纵横交错的环城路网。我享受在上海法租界、外滩、浦东逛逛。外滩的夜景是我最喜欢的夜景。可是,我最喜欢的地方是上海宣传画艺术中心。到了博物馆的地址的时候,我意识到我在一个公寓小区,就很犯浑。原来,博物馆是在公寓的地下室。那里的宣传画包括从1949年以前到1990年代中期的宣传画 (但是,大部分的宣传画部分包括从1949年到1980年代早期的宣传画)。在未来,我肯定会考虑在上海工作。



Over the last month the weather in Beijing has become extremely cold (as low as -8 degrees)! This has meant that outdoor activities have certainly been limited. Although I’ve been quite busy with classwork I’ve still had time to be able to enjoy Beijing. A few weeks ago I received a free ticket to see Swan Lake at the Beijing Dance Academy. I have never been a fan of ballet (my mother took me once when I was 10 and I fell asleep) but this time I really enjoyed the performance.

One weekend I took a trip down to Shanghai and I fell in love with the city. Shanghai’s layout felt like a European city probably because of the Huangpu River. Overall it was very different to Beijing’s sprawling network of ring roads. I loved visiting the different areas such as the French Concession, the Bund area, and Pudong. The night cityscape at the Bund is my favourite nightscape. A highlight for me was the Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Centre. I arrived at the museum address to find myself in an apartment complex and I was extremely confused. As it turned out, the museum was hidden in the basement of one of the blocks. The poster collection spans pre-1949 right up till the mid 1990s, although the main ‘propaganda’ section includes posters from 1949 till the early 80s. Shanghai is definitely another city I would consider working in in the future.


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