Nadia – China, June 2015


过去的⼗个⽉是我⼈⽣中最美好的时光。我⾮常感谢John Speak Trust发放我这个奖学⾦。 这笔钱⼤⼤地帮了我,给我很多机会在中国旅⾏。

这是我第⼀次住在别的国家,真的是个难以置信的经历。我现在对北京⾮常熟悉,今年“家” 的意思真的是我在北京的房⼦。我说汉语的⽔平提⾼得很多,我也认识了很多有意思的朋友 ;我肯定跟他们保持联系。因为这⼀年的经历,我确定地说在未来我将回中国⼯作。我坚决 保证我会回中国。

虽然我有时候遇到了困难(⽐如冬天的冷、冬天的空⽓污染),⽽且呆在中国我⼼中满怀感 激。在中国留学肯定是我⽣活中最好的决定;我强烈建议别⼈在国外留学。

我会想念住在这个热闹的城市。离开北京,尤其是天⽓好的时候,很难,但是我对未来很乐 观。因为中国有极好的机会,所以我等不及回来。下⾯有些我最近在北京拍的照⽚



These last 10 months have honestly been the best of my life and I’m extremely grateful for the John Speak Trust for granting me the scholarship which has helped significantly, particularly in allowing me to make the many trips around China that I’ve done.

This was the first time I’ve actually lived abroad and it has been a truly incredible experience; I now know Beijing like the back of my hand and for this year “home” really did mean my apartment in Beijing. My language skills have improved considerably and I’ve met so many interesting people who I’m sure I’ll keep in touch with. Having had this year in China, I can now say with certainty that I will definitely be back to live and work here; I’m really determined to make sure this happens!

Although I’ve had some low points, particularly in the winter when it was too cold and polluted to leave the house, in these moments I was still extremely grateful to be in China.

Taking a year abroad is definitely the best decision I’ve ever made and I would strongly encourage it to others in the future.

I’ll miss being in such an exciting city with so many things to do. Leaving Beijing, especially when the weather has been so beautiful, is very difficult, but I’m excited for what the future holds.

There is so much opportunity in China and I can’t wait to return.


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