Emily Martin, Beijing, China – June 2015


我今年享受各种各样的优异经验——从在上海国际金融中心大楼看日落,到在传统蒙古房子和蒙古家庭一起吃饭,以及在北京照护 有残疾的孤儿。不过我最伤心告别的一定是我日常生活——例如骑自行车上课的时候与北京恶名昭著的开车人战斗或者尝尝玄妙的中国小吃(然而我常常不喜欢它)。


我也要衷心感谢John Speak Trust的资助——如果我没有这个慷慨的资助我就不会充分抓住今年的机会。



As my year in China draws to a close, I reflect on all the amazing experiences I’ve been to fortunate to have, and the huge number of lessons I’ve learnt.

This year I have found myself in a huge variety of amazing situations – from watching the sunset from the top of the Shanghai IFC skyscraper to eating with a Mongolian family in their traditional Ger  hut to caring for disabled orphans in Beijing.However,  it’s my everyday routine that I will be most sad to lose- battling the infamous Beijing drivers cycling to class or trying a new mysterious Chinese snack (and often regretting it!).

The main lesson I will take away from this year is that given the chance, everyone should spend time living in a different culture and I certainly hope to find the opportunity to live abroad again. It is not always easy to settle in and adjust to the culture shock, but the rewards make this more than worth it. It’s hard to put into words how much you learn from living somewhere  as a foreigner – being pushed out of your comfort zone almost every day teaches you independence, adaptability and the ability to laugh in the most obscure of situations, to name just a few.  On top of this, you get a unique window into a different culture that you can’t get from spending a few days or weeks in an area. For me, the most valuable experience has been meeting people from all kinds of weird and wonderful backgrounds – it has broadened my horizons and put everything into perspective.

Finally, I would like to thank the John Speak trust for the support I have received this year – it would not have been possible to take full advantage of the opportunities available without the help I was given.


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